Sunday 17 January 2016


Hey ! I'm on 'blogger' now!

Y'know, the main reason why i created my own blog is just for fun. I am thinking of writing something that just trapped in my mind ahah maybe sharing my thoughts? Hmm

Honestly i want to share something creative right here because y'know i really really really like doing and working on something that is cute and crafty an classic! And i hope people out there don't judge what i am doing right here. If you feel suck looking at my blog, you can just leave it right now. Ya, it is not necessary at all. Nah. Don't worry

And if you enjoy reading my blog, i am very thankful tho.

Okay i think thats all my introduction hehe. See you on the next post


5 OCTOBER 2018 Assalamualaikum and hi! So post kali ni aku nak cerita pasal pengalaman aku sepanjang trip ke Penang dengan hous...